
Know Your Strengths with Kolbe!

Our Award-Nominated Kolbe-Certified Consultant can help you use Kolbe assessments to…
Pinpoint areas of organizational stress and conflict, and prescribe solutions
Improve communication and job satisfaction
Leverage individuals’ natural (conative) strengths for increased productivity
Assign the right person to the roles and tasks (with 80% predictability)
Reduce selection costs while increasing retention rates
Build teams with the right talents for high performance
Know Your Strengths
with Kolbe!
Our Award-Nominated Kolbe-Certified™ Consultant can help you use Kolbe assessments to…

Pinpoint areas of stress and conflict, and prescribe solutions
Leverage natural (conative) strengths for increased productivity
Improve communication and job satisfaction​
Assign the right person to the roles and tasks (with 80% predictability)
Reduce selection costs while increasing retention rates
Build teams with the right talents for high performance
Book a call now to discuss how using Kolbe assessments can help your team with hiring and succession planning, leadership development and delegation, and team development, including improving collaboration, communication, productivity, and conflict/stress prevention!

It is the only validated assessment that measures a person's conative strengths or instinctive way of doing things (a person’s M.O.)
It gives you a greater understanding of your own human nature and allows youth begin the process of optimizing your
The Kolbe A Index™ is Unique!

Kolbe assessments can complement affective (personality/emotional) and cognitive assessments to zero in on the one area of a person’s psychology that is constant and predictable
The Kolbe A™ results feed into many useful Kolbe assessments, comparisons, and team diagnostics that can help with hiring the right fit, preventing conflict, and increasing productivity...
potential, both personally and professionally, by utilizing your strengths and discovering ways to fill your strength gaps
Kolbe Tools for Building Relationships

Comparison: A-to-A™ Reports help
develop better working relationships, prevent conflict, and build awareness of differences

Kolbe Tools for Hiring and Role Definition
Kolbe C™ Index helps supervisors identify the job requirements. Multiple Kolbe C’s can help reconcile conflicting expectations in dual-reporting structures.
Kolbe Right Fit™ aids in hiring decisions by matching candidates against a Range of Success™ calculated using Kolbe A’s for both the candidate and direct supervisor as well as Kolbe C’s for job requirements.

Kolbe Tools for Leaders and Team-Building

Leadership Analytics and Team Tactix® Reports are used for:
Diagnosing productivity and efficiency issues
Suggesting practical strategies to improve teams
Understanding a teams real versus ideal culture
Sales MO+™ Reports help with improving sales teams
What Is Kolbe?
Kolbe Corp Explains Conation
The Kolbe A™ Index, Kolbe C™ Index, Comparisons: A to A™ Report, Kolbe RightFit™, Team Tactix™ and Sales MO+™ Reports are the trademarks of Kathy Kolbe and Kolbe Corp. All rights reserved. Used herein with permission.
Lead With Harmony™ uses Kolbe Assessments as a Kolbe-Certified™ Consultant

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